
- Java Control of VRML - .doc

- The Global Positioning System and Surveying - .pdf

- GPS,Practical Exercise "a part of the GPS course at The Technical University of Denmark" - .doc

- Image Analysis and Orthophotos - .pdf- Automatically finding the best match between overlapping areas of two images and finding the transformations needed to perform warping.

- The implementation of a WMS cascading server- A part of the course Geoinformatics - IMM-DTU, Danmark.

- Road Extraction using Active Contour Models (Snakes) - .doc A project, as part of the course Advanced Image Analysis.

- Shape Analysis in Medical Imaging - .zip The literature survey and solutions of the exercises of the Phd course Shape Analysis in Medical Imaging



Confusion matrix

This code computes the following accuracy estimates from an error / confusion matrix :
The Overall/total accuracy, User/object accuracy, Producer/classification accuracy, Mean accuracy, Areal difference, Kappa coefficient of agreement.

Classification using Artificial Neural Network in Matlab.

A zip file that contains the NN part (code and description) of my thesis.
